June is here and brings with it some of the most beautiful flowers. Peonies, delphiniums, daisies, nepeta, roses, sanguineum, heuchera, clematis, anemone, yarrow, and thyme are all blooming. Lambs ears are going strong too. although I wish those would actually not bloom. Even some of the hosta are starting to bloom, although most won't begin for a while yet. It's a really lush, beautiful time in my garden.
It rained much of the day today, but I got outside for a short while before it started. My mission: prune the lilacs. I have eight lilacs to prune. Last year I had eleven but three - three! - died over the winter.
Lilacs don't really die altogether, they have a sneaky way of mostly dying, and one is left with the hard decision of whether to let them stick around half-dead or to pull them out and start over with something else. Three of mine mostly died this past winter, and I have already dug out one; the other two are just waiting their turns.

Actually, they are waiting for hubby to get around to them, because he more than I does the heavy digging around here.
Anyway, I got out in the yard and did about half of the lilacs. This was really really enjoyable, snipping off the spent flower heads and dead wood. What a simple thing, but it was one of those moments, the cool air with rain coming in, the green bushes vibrant and lush, peace in the yard. Moments like these are one of the great benefits of gardening.
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