Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Welcome to Daffodil Love!

Greetings! Welcome to my blog about gardening. I love gardening. I love thinking about gardening, and reading about gardening, and talking about gardening. I love plants and nature and listening to the crickets and hearing the wind blow in the trees. One of my very favorite things to do ever is to be outside in the evening, as it's getting dark, and to hear the evening insects begin to chirp and the evening birds come out and to watch the light change.

Mostly I love the attitude of gardening, the emotional bonding-with-nature and enjoying-the-peace part of it. Getting down and being one with the earth. There are lots of blogs about gardening, way more than anyone can ever spend time reading, and most of them are about plant species and things like that. I don't usually know the exact species of anything that I plant, and I'm not sure I care. But I like to enjoy my garden and my dogs and my son and the neighbor kids and my husband.

So I want to write about it. I want to type it up and share it because I enjoy it so much, and then I can read this next winter and remember what it was all like, the entire season. I hope to add some pictures, of plants in bloom, of pretty arrangements, of other good things in the garden. Both here at my house, and also at our second home, the Camper. I always think of it like that, with a capital 'C'. The Camper actually is what my son named Daffodil Love when we bought it. I don't remember how that came about, but it's a great name for a Camper and an even better name for a blog. I'm really looking forward to this and think this will be a lot of fun.

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